School Blog

Today's Phrase


Let’s study idioms. Today’s topics include idioms that refer to body parts.



  1. That person’s head is soft, so he will understand the way young people think.
  2. Her head is sharp but lacks drive to act on his plans.
  3. My head hurts because of bad economy and stagnant sales number.
  4. It comes to my head since she is always late.



We refer to “head” when discussing one’s intelligence, ability or knowledge. If someone tells you to “use your head more” or “let your head work”, he/she is telling you to think harder and use your knowledge and abilities more effectively. Since a head is on the top of one’s body, it’s also used to indicate the top person of an organization. Todori (head taker)  means a bank president; Sendo (forward head) means a head boatman.


  1. Having a “soft head” means the person can think with flexibility. On the other hand, having “hard head” means he/she is stubborn and doesn’t easily accept different ways or other people’s opinions.
  2. Sharp head means being intelligent and having clear perspectives.
  3. This means the person is in a terrible bind when things do not go as expected despite all the efforts.
  4. Coming to head means one can no longer control anger.



Eyes represent one’s heart. If you look at someone’s eyes, you can tell what goes on his mind more clearly than words.


  1. You have such high eyes to be able to choose such an excellent artwork from so many pieces.
  2. I have always placed my eyes on the singer because she is so unique.
  3. The train was late and it was pouring outside. My eyes met such a horrible day.
  4. I have no eyes against sweets. I love cakes.



  1. Having “high eyes” means being able to discern and appreciate things.
  2. “Placing one’s eyes” means having followed someone or some things with intense curiosity.
  3. “Eyes meeting terrible …” means having terrible experiences. In this case, the writer was having an awful day since his train was late and it was pouring outside.
  4. “Having no eyes” means he/she loves that something so much that he cannot use her common sense to control her feelings (likings). In this case, she loves sweets so much that he cannot control himself.



  1. The salesman had a skillful mouth, and I ended up buying things I didn’t want.
  2. You can seek any advice from her since she has a tight mouth.
  3. Sumo wrestlers usually have heavy mouths making interviews very difficult.
  4. Her mouth is fat, and she knows a lot of great restaurants.



  1. “A skillful mouth” means being able to persuade others with stories whether they are true or not.
  2. Someone has a “tight mouth” when she can keep confidences. On the other hand, a “light mouth” refers to someone who cannot keep anything private.
  3. Someone has a “heavy mouth” when he doesn’t speak much.
  4. Someone is a gourmet when she has a “fat mouth.” If something “meets your mouth,” it means you like the food.



  1. He and I broke our bellies and talked all night.
  2. She seems kind but some say she has a black belly.
  3. He rarely shows inside his belly.
  4. The president made a belly decision after agonizing over the future of his company for many days.



Hara (belly) refers to the truth or real believes in Japanese linguistic culture. Reading one’s belly would mean trying to find out exactly what’s going on in someone’s head.

  1. “Breaking bellies” means being able to discuss things frankly.
  2. Having a “black” belly means she has cunning thoughts.
  3. “Not showing one’s belly” is always used in a negative sense. It means he is not honest with his opinions or thoughts.
  4. One “makes a belly decision” when he analyzes situations thoroughly and with utmost considerations for everything. It’s not a light decision.

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