Hakata Tomyo Watching (Hakata Votive Watching)

On October 18th, there was an event called Hakata Tomyo Watching. Numerous votives were lit and placed from Bayside Place in the north to Hakata Station in the south lighting up the entire city of Fukuoka. The idea came from Hakata’s traditional event called Sen Tomyo (A Thousand Votives). Now, residents use paper cups wrapped around with traditional Japanese paper or grocery bags to place lit candles. Those votives light up a number of sightseeing spots, city streets, temples and shrines. In large spaces such as elementary schools and the Kushida Shrine, artists “draw” pictures using these lit votives. If you can get to higher ground for a better view, these pictures will be sure to touch your heart. Last year, this event attracted over 20,000 visitors. It is organized by volunteers and even provides free bus tours.