School Blog

Today's Phrase


Today, I’ll talk about Japanese “Natsumatsuri”(summer festival). From July to August, there is opened many summer festivals everywhere in Japan. People usually go to the festivals wearing “Yukata”. It is Japanese traditional summer clothe. “Yukata” is also worn after taking bath in Japan at Hotel and “Ryokan”. It’s made by cool material and very comfortable. Wearing “Yukata”, people put on special sandals. It is called “Geta”, made by wood. On the sandals, you can find beautiful thin two clothes. It stops your foot thumb and index finger, and you can walk smoothly. It is called “Hanao”. “Yukata” and “Geta” is Japanese summer casual style.

Places for “Natsumatsuri”, “Zinzya”(shinto shrine), shopping stores main street, or wide park space, mostly, summer festivals are held on those three locations. You can enjoy eating some food at “Yatai” (Food selling container car).We can see many kinds of food shops. For example, French fried potato, in Japanese ”Poteto”, fried chiken in Japanese ”Karaage”, freied noodles with sause ”Yakisoba”, octopus small cake ”Takoyaki”, flavored shaped ice in a cup “Kakigoori”, fluff cotton candey ”Watagashi”, red candey with apple “Ringoame”, fried squid “Ikayaki”. These are famous Japanes “Yatai” food. So, how about try it once when you come to Japan someday?

At Summer festivals, we have also some events, “Shateki”(shooting game),”Kingyosukui” (scooping goldfish), “Yoyo-tsuri”(getting small ball like fishing) ,”Wanage”(ringtoss),”Bonodori(Bon festival dance)”, “Hanabi(fireworks)”. Try some games and, if you win, you can take the gifts to home.

How was the introduction of Japanese summer festivals? Have you found some different points compared with your country summer festivals? Look forward to the next blog!


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