Student's Interview

- Interviewer
Were the lessons easy to understand?
- Maksym
The lessons have a great structure. I liked the way teachers explain new content to the students.
- Interviewer
Do you think that your Japanese has improved?
- Maksym
Yes, definitely. I could speak a little Japanese before I came to Japan, but after spending some time in school, everything became more connected.
- Interviewer
If yes, which skills?
- Maksym
Mostly speaking, but I think vocabulary and writing has improved as well.
- Interviewer
What do you think about our teachers?
- Maksym
Helpful and kind. Awesome!
- Interviewer
Are you satisfied with the learning environment here at NILS?
- Maksym
Clean classrooms and great location.
- Interviewer
Which activity was the best?
- Maksym
All were equally good.
- Interviewer
What other kinds of Activities would you have liked to experience?
- Maksym
I think a lot of people would like to experience Japanese Archery.