School Blog

Today's Phrase

NILS blog

皆さん年末年始はどんな風に過ごしましたか?日本語をたくさん話しましたか?初めてのブログで何を書こうかと考えあぐねていたのですが、結局今回は昨年(2022年)末にNILS Annex春日校で実施した陶芸体験について書くことにしました。

まず、なぜNILS Annex春日校で陶芸体験? からです。ここ春日の地は歴史的に古くから人が住んでいます。そのためか窯元もあります。春日市は弥生の里なんです。春日市のキャラクターは「あすかちゃん」と「かすがくん」です。


今回はそれぞれのクラスの担任の先生がそのクラスの学生を引率することになっていました。ただ例外的に今回は休んだ先生の代わりに私が担任クラスとは別にそのクラスの引率も引き受けることになりました。突然の引率でしたが、全く知らないクラスというわけではなく学生の顔もわかっていたので、学生たちに「この人は誰ですか?」と思われることもなくてよかったです。日本に来てまだ間もない学生8名でしたが 和気あいあいとした雰囲気で問題なく現地に到着することができました。

ここまではよかったのですが…。予定より少し早く着いたかなぁと思っていたら案の定、なんと入り口のシャッターが閉まっていました。初めて行くところだったし余裕をもって早く出発しすぎたか~と内心、冷や汗でした。 学生に「少し待ちましょう」と言って一緒に待っていましたが、今は12月です。外でじっと待っているには寒すぎます。頑張って5分でした。お店の人に電話した方がいいかぁとポケットの中のスマホをごそごそ探っていたら、やっとシャッターが開きました。ホッと胸をなでおろした瞬間でした。





How did everyone spend their new year’s holiday? Did you speak a lot of Japanese? I was at a loss as to what to write for my first blog, but in the end, I decided to write about the pottery experience I had at the NILS Annex Kasuga school at the end of last year (2022).

First of all, why pottery at NILS Annex Kasuga School? People have lived here in Kasuga since ancient times. Pottery has been part of people’s lives for a long time. Kasuga City is the village of Yayoi. Kasuga City’s characters are “Asuka-chan” and “Kasuga-kun”.

That’s why there is a place where you can experience pottery within walking distance from the school. Until now, my sense was that places with pottery and kilns were “inside the mountains where no one would ever set foot.” But please don’t get me wrong. The school is not deep in the mountains. Nor at the foot of the mountain, of course. Please rest assured.

Normally, a homeroom teacher takes his/her class to these outings. However, this time, instead of the absent teacher, I took both my homeroom class and the absent teacher’s class. It was unexpected , but it wasn’t like I didn’t know the class at all, and I knew the faces of the students. Although the group of eight students had just arrived in Japan, they were all friendly and happy to participate in the class.

So far so good, but… we arrived a little earlier than planned, and the shutter at the entrance was closed. It was my first time going there, and I was in a cold sweat thinking that maybe I had left too early. I said to the students, “Let’s wait a while,” and waited together, but it was December and too cold to wait outside. We felt like the 5-minute wait was all we could take. When I was fumbling around with my smartphone in my pocket to see if I should call the store staff, the shutter finally opened. What a relief it was!

We climbed the stairs to the second floor. As it has become commonplace since the Covid outbreak, we saw hand sanitizer by the front door. I sanitized my hands first and the students followed. When I opened the entrance door, a male staff greeted me kindly. We hung our jackets on the hanger, put your valuables in the locker, and begun the experience. All the students cheerfully greeted the staff, saying, “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” As a leader, I felt so proud. There was a potter’s wheel, clay, and some tools prepared for each person on the table in the venue, so that about four people could sit at each table. Each student sat in their favorite place and started right away. While drawing illustrations on the whiteboard, demonstrating, and showing samples, he carefully explained in an easy-to-understand and slow fashion. Thanks to that, even a beginner student was able to create a work according to the procedure without making a mistake. There were full of masterpieces such as tea cups and tea bowls. We were able to put an original signature on the inside of the hill (the back side of the vessel). Students washed their hands after completing their work. Once our hands were clean, we added our signature, name, and the name of our school on a piece of paper. Put the paper together with your work on a special board and hand it over to the staff. Pottery is complete after drying it and firing it in a kiln. In February, we will receive the finished work. I chukle to myself when I think of how happy the students will be when they pick up their pottery.

Later on, one student told me that he had accidentally brought home his locker key. On the spot, I called the person who took care of it, and asked the teacher who was leading the next pottery experience to return it. I was happy that the students told me honestly. I don’t mean to brag, but NILS students are all like this.

I wanted to talk about my homeroom class’s pottery experience, but that will be for the next time.


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