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Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 5 Answer Key

As a copywriting AI language model, I will attempt to provide the article on “subject verb agreement exercise 5 answer key”.

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of English grammar that often poses a challenge to language enthusiasts. Having a proper understanding of this concept is crucial in ensuring that your sentences are grammatically correct and clear. To master this aspect of English grammar, it is essential to regularly engage in exercises that test your understanding of subject-verb agreement. In this article, we will provide you with the answer key to subject-verb agreement exercise 5.

Exercise 5

1. Neither John nor his brothers ____ a car.

Answer: Neither John nor his brothers have a car.

2. My friend and mentor ____ to travel.

Answer: My friend and mentor love to travel.

3. The dog that escaped from its owner ____ on the loose.

Answer: The dog that escaped from its owner is on the loose.

4. Either Mary or Jane ____ the president of the club.

Answer: Either Mary or Jane is the president of the club.

5. All of the students in the class ____ taking a test.

Answer: All of the students in the class are taking a test.

6. The group of boys that ____ playing outside are very loud.

Answer: The group of boys that is playing outside is very loud.

7. Many people in the park ____ enjoying the sunshine.

Answer: Many people in the park are enjoying the sunshine.

8. Each of the employees ____ a valuable asset to the company.

Answer: Each of the employees is a valuable asset to the company.

9. The new coffee shop in town ____ a great place to hang out.

Answer: The new coffee shop in town is a great place to hang out.

10. Nothing in the world ____ as important as my family.

Answer: Nothing in the world is as important as my family.

The subject-verb agreement exercise 5 is an excellent tool for enhancing your understanding of this critical aspect of English grammar. Regularly engaging in exercises like this one will help you master the rules of subject-verb agreement, ensuring that your writing is grammatically correct and effective. So, keep practicing and striving for excellence in your written communication!


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