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Learning Agreement after the Mobility Uni Wien

If you`re a student enrolled in a university program that requires mobility, it`s important to understand the learning agreement process. The University of Vienna has a specific process for creating and submitting a learning agreement after mobility.

A learning agreement after mobility is a document that outlines the courses you took while studying abroad and how they will count toward your home university`s degree requirements. It confirms that you completed the courses, the number of credits earned, and how they will transfer to your home institution.

The first step in creating a learning agreement after mobility at the University of Vienna is to review the courses you took while abroad and the requirements for your degree program at your home institution. You can use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to convert your grades and credits to your home institution`s system.

Once you have identified the courses you took and how they will apply to your degree program, you will need to fill out the learning agreement after mobility form. You can access this form on the University of Vienna`s website. The form requires you to provide information about your home institution, the courses you took abroad, and how they will transfer to your degree program.

It`s important to note that the learning agreement after mobility form must be signed by both you and a representative from your home institution. This ensures that both parties agree on how the credits will transfer.

After completing and submitting the learning agreement after mobility form, you should receive confirmation from the University of Vienna that your courses have been approved for transfer credit. It`s important to keep a copy of this confirmation for your records.

In conclusion, creating a learning agreement after mobility is an important part of studying abroad. It ensures that you receive proper credit for the courses you take and helps you stay on track to graduate on time. By following the process outlined by the University of Vienna, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition back to your home institution.


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