NILS Fukuoka Times

Today's Phrase

Temporary Leave of Absence


During your stay in Japan, you may want to go home during long breaks to spend time with your family. Please pay attention to immigration requirements.


  1. Departure with Special Re-entry: You can now use this procedure to take a temporary leave of absence from school. You no longer need to apply for a re-entry permit. All you need is your passport and residence card.


  1. Please be aware that if your residence card is about to expire of if you are currently applying for an extension of period of stay, this Departure with Special Re-entry cannot be used to re-enter Japan. You would have to go through the whole process of obtaining your residency status. If your residency is about to expire or you are in the middle of applying for an extension, we recommend that you remain in Japan until your extension is granted except for emergencies.


Applying for a temporary leave of absence is not complicated as long as you follow the necessary steps. Do not hesitate to ask any questions.


Please feel free to contact us from here. If you have questions about the school.